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Virtual Memory I

(Usage hints for this presentation)

IT Systems, Summer Term 2024
Dr. Jens Lechtenbörger (License Information)

1. Introduction

1.1. Core Questions

  • What is virtual memory?
    • How can RAM be (de-) allocated flexibly under multitasking?
    • How does the OS keep track for each process what data resides where in RAM?
    • How does the OS manage the exchange of data between secondary storage and RAM under multitasking?

(Based on Chapter 6 of (Hailperin 2019))

1.2. Learning Objectives

  • Explain mechanisms and uses for virtual memory
    • Including principle of locality and page fault handling
    • Including paging, swapping, and thrashing
  • Perform address translation with page tables
  • Apply page replacement with FIFO, LRU, Clock

1.3. Previously on OS …

1.3.1. Retrieval Practice

1.3.2. Recall: RAM in Hack

1.4. Big Picture

  • Each process with own virtual address space
    • Virtual address space and RAM split into equal-sized chunks
      • Pages in virtual address space, frames in RAM
  • Physical memory split among all processes

    Big picture for virtual memory

    • OS maintains page table per process

      Valid Frame#
      1 1
      1 0
      0 X
      0 X
      0 X
      0 X
      1 3
      1 6
      0 X
      1 5

1.4.1. Drawing for Page Tables

The page table

The page table

Figure © 2016 Julia Evans, all rights reserved; from julia's drawings. Displayed here with personal permission.

1.4.2. Big Picture of VM

1.5. Different Learning Styles

  • The bullet point style may be particularly challenging for this presentation
  • You may prefer this short text
  • Besides, Chapter 6 of (Hailperin 2019) is about virtual memory


2. Paging and Address Translation

2.1. MMU and TLB

  • Address translation by Memory Management Unit

    • Latency: Access of page table before RAM access

      Figure 6.4 of cite:Hai17

      Figure 6.4 of cite:Hai17” by Max Hailperin under CC BY-SA 3.0; converted from GitHub

    • Improvement: Caching
      • Special cache, Translation Lookaside Buffer (TLB), for page table entries
        • Recently used translations of page numbers to frame numbers
      • MMU searches in TLB first to build physical address
        • Note: Search for page, not entire virtual address
        • If not found (TLB miss): Page table access
      • Note: Context switch may invalidate TLB → Overhead

2.2. Page Fault Handler

  • Pages may or may not be present in RAM

    • Access of virtual address whose page is in RAM is called page hit
      • (Access = CPU executes machine instruction referring to that address)
    • Otherwise, page miss
  • Upon page miss, a page fault is triggered
    • Special type of interrupt
    • Page fault handler of OS responsible for disk transfers and page table updates
      • OS blocks corresponding thread and manages transfer of page to RAM
      • (Thread runnable after transfer complete)

2.3. Use of Page Table

Translation of hierarchical address with lookup in page table

Translation of hierarchical address with lookup in page table” by Max Lütkemeyer and Jens Lechtenbörger under CC BY-SA 4.0; from GitLab

  • Virtual address interpreted as hierarchical object
    • Page number, determined by most significant bits of address
      • Below, 10 bits; simple (unrealistic) example
    • Offset, remaining bits of address = byte number within its page
      • Below, also 10 bits; typically, 12 bits in practice

2.3.1. Offset as Pointer into Range

image/svg+xml 10 bits 10 bits Virtual page number Page offset 10 bits 5 bits Frame number Page offset Virtual page number 3 Virtual page number 2 Virtual page number 1 Virtual page number 0 Frame number 3 Frame number 2 Frame number 1 Frame number 0 1 KiB 1 KiB 1 KiB 1 KiB Address Translation 1 KiB 1 KiB 1 KiB 1 KiB Start ofpage 0 Offset Start offrame 1 Offset

Address translation with offset in covered address range” by Max Lütkemeyer and Jens Lechtenbörger under CC BY-SA 4.0; from GitLab

2.3.2. Address Translation Example (1/3)

  • Task: Translate virtual address to physical address

    • Subtask: Translate bits for page number to bits for frame number

    • Suppose
      • Pages and frames have a size of 1 KiB (= 1024 B)
      • 15-bit physical addresses for RAM locations
      • 20-bit virtual addresses, as on previous slides
  • First, derive following pieces of information

    • Size of physical address space: 215 B = 32 KiB

    • Size of virtual address space: 220 B = 1024 KiB = 1 MiB

    • 10 bits are used for offsets (as 210 B = 1024 B)
      • Remaining 5 physical bits enumerate 25 = 32 frames
      • Remaining 10 virtual bits enumerate 210 = 1024 pages

2.3.3. Address Translation Example (2/3)

  • Hierarchical interpretation of addresses
    • 20-bit virtual address: 10 bits for page number   10 bits for offset
    • 15-bit physical address: 5 bits for frame number   10 bits for offset
  • Task: Translate virtual address 42

    • 42 = 0000000000 0000101010

      • Page number = 0000000000 = 0
      • Offset = 0000101010 = 42
      • In general, address translation exchanges page number with frame number
        • Here, 0 with 1
    • Thus, 42 is located in frame 1

      • Physical address 00001 0000101010 = 1066 (= 1024 + 42)

2.3.4. Address Translation Example (3/3)

  • Based on page table
    • Page 6 is located in frame 3
  • Page 6 contains addresses between 6*1024 = 6144 and 6*1024+1023 = 7167
    • Consider virtual address 7042
      • 7042 = 0000000110 1110000010
        • Page number = 0000000110 = 6
        • Offset = 1110000010 = 898
      • Replace page number 6 with frame number 3
      • 7042 is located in frame 3
        • Physical address 00011 1110000010 = 3970 (= 3*1024 + 898)

2.4. Self-Study Tasks

Answer the following questions in Learnweb.

Suppose that 32-bit virtual addresses with 4 KiB pages are used.

  • How many bits are necessary to number all bytes within pages?
  • How many pages does the address space contain? How many bits are necessary to enumerate them?
  • Where within a 32-bit virtual address can you “see” the page number?


Hailperin, Max. 2019. Operating Systems and Middleware – Supporting Controlled Interaction. revised edition 1.3.1.

License Information

Source files are available on GitLab (check out embedded submodules) under free licenses. Icons of custom controls are by @fontawesome, released under CC BY 4.0.

Except where otherwise noted, the work “Virtual Memory I”, © 2017-2024 Jens Lechtenbörger, is published under the Creative Commons license CC BY-SA 4.0.