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IT Systems, Summer Term 2024
Dr. Jens Lechtenbörger (License Information)

1. Introduction

1.1. Core Questions

  • What is a process?
  • How are files represented by the OS, and how are they used for inter-process communication?

(Based on Chapter 7 and Section 8.3 of (Hailperin 2019))

1.2. Learning Objectives

  • Explain process and thread concept
  • Perform simple tasks in Bash (continued)
    • View directories and files, build pipelines, redirect in- or output, list processes with ps
  • Explain access control, access matrix, and ACLs
    • Use chmod to modify file permissions

1.3. Retrieval practice

1.3.1. Previously on OS …

1.3.2. Quiz 1

1.3.3. Quiz 2

1.3.4. Quiz 3


2. Processes



Figure © 2018 Julia Evans, all rights reserved; from julia's drawings. Displayed here with personal permission.

2.1. Processes

  • First approximation: Process ≈ program in execution

    • However
      • Single program can create multiple processes
      • What looks like a separate program may not live inside its own process
        • E.g., separate GNU Emacs window showing PDF file via PDF Tools
        • (Window contents might be produced with help of different process, though)
  • Reality: Process = Whatever your OS defines as such
    • Unit of management and protection
      • One or more threads of execution
      • Address space in virtual memory, shared by threads within process
      • Management information in process control blocks
        • Access rights
        • Resource allocation
        • Miscellaneous context

2.2. Process Creation

  • OS starts
    • Check your OS’s tool of choice to inspect processes after boot
  • User starts program
    • Touch, click, type
  • Processes start other processes

2.2.1. Bash as Command Line

  • Recall: Command line as interface to OS to execute processes

    • Unix command line historically called “shell”
    • Command line can (1) execute builtin commands and (2) create processes for other commands

      1. Builtin commands are executed internally
        • Type help to execute one and see all of them
      1. Programs are executed as new child processes (requires system calls)
        • E.g., cat, grep, less, man, ps
        • By default, while child process for program runs, process of bash waits (not on CPU but blocked) for return value of child

2.3. Process Control Block

  • Similarly to thread control blocks the OS manages process control blocks for processes
    • Numerical IDs (e.g., own and parent)
    • Address space
    • Resources (shared by threads)
      • E.g., file descriptors discussed next
    • Security information
    • And more, beyond course, e.g.:
      • Interprocess communication with signals

2.3.1. Seeing Processes and Threads on Linux

    • Pseudo-filesystem as interface to Linux kernel data structures

      • Subdirectories per process ID (e.g., /proc/42) with details of process control block for process with ID 42

    • Process listing command ps inspects /proc

      • (Use man ps for implementation-specific details, following options are for GNU/Linux)
      • ps -e shows some details on all processes (IDs, time, etc.)

        • Option -L adds thread information, option -f for “full format”, e.g.: ps -eLf
        • (“L” for “light weight process”, a synonym for thread; column LWP shows thread IDs)
      • ps -C <name> shows some details on all processes with the given name

  • Other OSs come with their own tools

3. File Descriptors

  • Recall The Command Line Murders
    1. cd clmystery/mystery
    2. head crimescene | grep Alice
      • crimescene \(\leadsto\) head \(\leadsto\) grep \(\leadsto\) console output
    3. head crimescene > first10lines
      grep Alice < first10lines
      • crimescene \(\leadsto\) head \(\leadsto\) first10lines \(\leadsto\) grep \(\leadsto\) console output
  • (Files are covered in Section 8.3 of (Hailperin 2019))

3.1. File Descriptors

  • OS represents open files via integer numbers called file descriptors

    • Files are abstracted as named streams of bytes
    • File abstraction includes “real” files, directories, devices, network access, and more

      • Typical operations: open, close, read, write
    • Standard file descriptors

      Standard file descriptors” by Jens Lechtenbörger under CC BY-SA 4.0; using UXWing icons: keyboard, monitor, operations; from GitLab

      1. Standard input, stdin (e.g., keyboard input)
      2. Standard output, stdout (e.g., print to screen/terminal)
      3. Standard error, stderr (e.g., print error message to terminal)

3.2. Drawing on File Descriptors

File descriptors

File descriptors

Figure © 2018 Julia Evans, all rights reserved; from julia's drawings. Displayed here with personal permission.

3.3. Files/Streams for IPC

  • IPC = Inter-process communication
    • Communication between processes
    • Files and streams enable communication
      • (Next to other mechanisms, e.g., shared memory, signals, networking)
  • Files provide persistent storage
    • Written/created by one process
    • Potentially accessed by other processes, communication, e.g.:
      • Files with source code
        • Write source code in editors (over time, different processes)
        • Perform quality checks on source files with specialized tools (other processes, maybe passing results to editor)
        • Compile source code to executable code
      • Collect log messages from several processes in one file; analysis of file contents with alerting by separate process

3.4. Redirection of Streams

  • Streams of bytes can be redirected

    • E.g., send output to file instead of terminal
      • head names.txt > first10names.txt
      • Code for head invokes system calls
        • open file names.txt, results in newly allocated file descriptor
        • read from file descriptor for names.txt
        • write to stdout (opened automatically by default)
      • Operator > redirects stdout of process to file first10names.txt
    • Also, lots of commands can access data on stdin
      • head < names.txt
        • Operator < redirects file to stdin of process; here, access of names.txt via stdin

3.5. Streams for IPC

  • Processes can communicate with pipelines/pipes
    • One process connects stream as writer into pipeline
    • Second process connects stream as reader from pipeline
    • Pipelines (and files) are passive objects (used by processes)
  • E.g., send stdout of one process to stdin of another
    • head names.txt | grep "Steve"
      • (Recall: This pipeline occurs in cheatsheet of The Command Line Murders)
      • Here, process for head sends its stdout via pipe operator (|) to stdin of process for grep
        • In contrast to files, pipes do not store data persistently

3.5.1. Drawing on Pipes



Figure © 2016 Julia Evans, all rights reserved; from julia's drawings. Displayed here with personal permission.

3.6. File Descriptors under /proc

  • For process with ID <pid>, subdirectory /proc/<pid>/fd indicates its file descriptors

    • Entries are symbolic links pointing to real destination

    • Use ls -l to see numbers and their destinations, e.g.:

      lrwx------ 1 jens jens 64 Jun 26 15:34 0 -> /dev/pts/3
      lrwx------ 1 jens jens 64 Jun 26 15:34 1 -> /dev/pts/3
      lrwx------ 1 jens jens 64 Jun 26 15:34 2 -> /dev/pts/3
      lr-x------ 1 jens jens 64 Jun 26 15:34 3 -> /dev/tty
      lr-x------ 1 jens jens 64 Jun 26 15:34 4 -> /etc/passwd
      • Use of /dev/pts/3 (a so-called pseudo-terminal, which represents user interaction with the command line) for stdin, stdout, and stderr
      • Access of file /etc/passwd via file descriptor 4
      • (If you are curious: /dev/tty is mostly the same as /dev/pts/3 here)

3.6.1. A Quiz

4. Access Rights

4.1. Fundamentals of Access Rights

  • Who is allowed to do what?

  • System controls access to objects by subjects

    • Object = whatever needs protection: e.g., region of memory, file, service
      • With different operations depending on type of object
    • Subject = active entity using objects: process

      • Threads of process share same access rights
      • Subject may also be object, e.g., terminate thread or process
    • Subject acts on behalf of principal
      • Principal = User or organizational unit
      • Different principals and subjects have different access rights on different objects
        • Permissible operations

4.1.1. Typical Access Right Operations

  • In general, dependent on object type, e.g.:

    • Files
      • Create, remove
      • Read, write, append
      • Execute
      • Change ownership
    • Access rights
      • Copy/grant

4.2. Representation of Access Rights

4.2.1. Access (Control) Matrix

  • Matrix
    • Principals and subjects as rows
    • Objects as columns
    • List of permitted operations in cell

4.2.2. Access Matrix: Transfer of Rights

  • Transfer of rights from principal JDoe to process P_1

    • Figure 7.12 (a) of (Hailperin 2019): copy rights

        F_1 F_2 JDoe P_1
      JDoe read write      
      P_1 read write      
    • Figure 7.12 (b) of (Hailperin 2019): special right for transfer of rights

        F_1 F_2 JDoe P_1
      JDoe read write      
      P_1     use rights of    

4.2.3. Capabilities

  • Capability ≈ reference to object with access rights
  • Conceptually, capabilities arise by slicing the access matrix row-wise
    • Principals have lists with capabilities (access rights) for objects
    • Challenge: Tampering, theft, revocation
      • Capabilities may contain cryptographic authentication codes

4.2.4. Access Control Lists

  • Access Control List (ACL) = List of access rights for subjects/principals attached to object
  • Conceptually, ACLs arise by slicing the access matrix column-wise

4.2.5. File ACLs

  • ls lists files and directories
    • With option -l in “long” form
      • Shortened ACLs
        • Permissions not for individual users; instead, separately for owner, group, other
        • Owner: Initially, the creator; ownership can be transferred
        • Group: Users can be grouped, e.g., to share files for a joint project
        • Other: Everybody else
      • File type, followed by 3 triples with permissions
        • File (-), directory (d), symbolic link (l), …
        • Read (r), write (w), execute (x) (for directories, “execute” means “traverse”)
        • Set user/group ID (s), sticky bit (t)
      • ls -l /etc/shadow /usr/bin/passwd
        • - rw- r-- ---  1  root  shadow   2206 Jan 11  2024 /etc/shadow
        • - rws r-x r-x  1  root  root    68208 Feb  6 13:49 /usr/bin/passwd*
      • ls -ld /tmp
        • d rwx rwx rwt  14  root  root   20480 Jun  8 13:20 /tmp

4.2.6. Drawing on File ACLs

Unix permissions

Unix permissions

Figure © 2018 Julia Evans, all rights reserved; from julia's drawings. Displayed here with personal permission.

4.2.7. File ACL Management

  • Management of ACLs with chmod
    • Read its manual page: man chmod
    • (Default permissions for new files are configurable)
      • (Beyond class topics, see help umask in bash)
  • Permissions with bit pattern or symbolically
    • Previous drawing illustrates bit patterns for r, w, x
    • Symbolic specifications contain
      • one of (among others) u, g, o for user, group, others, resp.,
      • followed by + or - to add or remove a permission,
      • followed by one of r, w, x, s, t (and more)
    • E.g., chmod g+w file.txt adds write permissions for group members on file.txt

5. Conclusions

5.1. Summary

  • Process as unit of management and protection
    • Threads with address space and resources
      • Including file descriptors
    • Isolation of virtual address spaces as protection mechanism
  • File access abstracted via numeric file descriptors as streams
    • Redirection and pipelining for inter-process communication
  • Access control restricts operations of principals via subjects on objects
    • GNU/Linux file permissions as example for ACLs
    • Access control as additional OS protection mechanism

5.2. Perspective

  • Different access control paradigms exist
    • Discretionary access control (DAC)
      • Owner grants privileges
      • E.g., file systems, seen above
    • Mandatory access control (MAC)
      • Rules/policies about properties of principals, processes, resources define permitted operations
    • Role based access control (RBAC)
      • Permissions for tasks bound to organizational roles
        • E.g., different rights for students and teachers in Learnweb

5.3. In-class: Safety vs Security

  • Selected pointers
    • Safety: Protection against unintended/natural/random events
      • Requires proper management, involves training, redundancy (e.g., hardware, backups), and insurances
    • Security: Protection against deliberate attacks/threats
      • Protection of security goals for objects and services against attackers
      • Security goals and risk
        • CIA triad with classical goals: Confidentiality, Integrity, Availability
        • Many more, e.g., accountability, anonymity, authenticity, (non-) deniability
      • E.g.: Processes on “your” system?
    • Design processes and management


Hailperin, Max. 2019. Operating Systems and Middleware – Supporting Controlled Interaction. revised edition 1.3.1.

License Information

Source files are available on GitLab (check out embedded submodules) under free licenses. Icons of custom controls are by @fontawesome, released under CC BY 4.0.

Except where otherwise noted, the work “Processes”, © 2017-2024 Jens Lechtenbörger, is published under the Creative Commons license CC BY-SA 4.0.