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Combinational Circuits II

(Usage hints for this presentation)

IT Systems, Summer Term 2024
Dr. Jens Lechtenbörger (License Information)

1. Introduction

2. Hack ALU

2.1. ALU Design

  • Arithmetic Logic Unit (ALU)
    • Computes fixed set of functions
      • Arithmetic functions, e.g., x + y, x - y, x + 1
      • Logical functions, e.g., or(x, y), and(x, y)
    • Specific function determined by control bits
    • Programming the ALU means setting the control bits

2.2. Hack ALU Overview

  • Pins

    • Two 16-bit input numbers
    • One 16-bit output number
      • And two output bits
        • Is output zero (zr)?
        • Is output negative (ng)?
    • Six control bits
      • For \(2^6\) possible operations; 18 actually specified in (Nisan and Schocken 2005)
      • Important symbols in ALU context
        • Arithmetic operations: x+y, x-y, -x
        • Logical operations: x&y (and), x|y (or), !x (not)
        • Thus, “+” denotes addition, not the logical Or

2.3. Hack ALU Operations

  • Bit-wise logical operations on 16-bit numbers, e.g.:
    • And16: 1010101010101010 & 0000000011111111 = 0000000010101010
    • Not16: !1010101010101010 = 0101010101010101
      • Negate/invert/flip all bits
  • Add16: Addition of 16-bit numbers x and y (in 2’s complement)

2.4. Negation in ALU Context

  • -x has no special meaning: -x = (-1)*x
    • Using 2’s complement
    • In the following, “negate” means “flip all bits”
    • Fact: !x = -x - 1 (in 2’s complement)
      • Proof:
        • !x + x = 1…1 (all bits 1, as each bit that is 1 in x is 0 in !x and vice versa) = -1
        • Subtract x on both sides
  • Fact: x - y = !(!x + y)

    • Proof: !(!x + y) = -(-x - 1 + y) - 1 = x - y

2.5. Hack ALU Chip

zx = zero   x
nx = negate x
zy = zero   y
ny = negate y
f  = apply function, either add or and
no = negate output

zr = out zero
ng = out negative

Hack ALU

Hack ALU” under CC0 1.0; from GitLab

2.6. Hack ALU Specification

 * [Excerpt of ALU.hdl from Nand2Tetris]
 * Computes out = one of the following functions:
 *     0, 1, -1, x, y, !x, !y, -x, -y,
 *     x + 1, y + 1, x - 1, y - 1, x + y, x - y, y - x,
 *     x & y, x | y
 * [...]
// Implementation: Manipulates the x and y inputs
// and operates on the resulting values, as follows:
// if (zx == 1) sets x = 0        // 16-bit constant
// if (nx == 1) sets x = !x       // bitwise not
// if (zy == 1) sets y = 0        // 16-bit constant
// if (ny == 1) sets y = !y       // bitwise not
// if (f == 1)  sets out = x + y  // integer 2's complement addition
// if (f == 0)  sets out = x & y  // bitwise and
// if (no == 1) sets out = !out   // bitwise not

2.7. ALU Logic Examples

  • Table in Figure 2.6 of (Nisan and Schocken 2005) documents ALU control bits
    • Let us look at some rows of that table

2.7.1. Row 14, x+y

zx nx zy ny f no out
0 0 0 0 1 0 x+y
  • zx=nx=zy=ny=0: Neither zero nor negate inputs
  • f=1: Perform addition
  • no=0: Do not negate output

2.7.2. Row 15, x-y

zx nx zy ny f no out
0 1 0 0 1 1 x-y
  • As explained previously: x - y = !(!x + y)
  • Thus
    • zx=0, nx=1: Negate x
    • zy=0, ny=0: Keep y unchanged
    • f=1: Add
    • no=1: Negate result
  • Self-study: How to implement logical Or? (De Morgan!)

2.7.3. Row 5, y

zx nx zy ny f no out
1 1 0 0 0 0 y
  • zx=1, nx=1: Zero, then negate x: x → 00…0 → 11…1
  • zy=0, ny=0: Keep y unchanged
  • f=0: Perform bit-wise And
    • All 1s of zero-negated x preserve y
  • no=0: Keep result

2.7.4. Row 2, 1

zx nx zy ny f no out
1 1 1 1 1 1 1
  • zx=1, nx=1: Zero, then negate x: x → 00…0 → 11…1
    • All bits one is -1 in 2’s complement
  • zy=1, ny=1: Zero, then negate y: y → 00…0 → 11…1
    • All bits one is -1 in 2’s complement
  • f=1: Add
    • (-1) + (-1) = -2 = 1…10
  • no=1: Negate output, 0…01 = 1

2.7.5. Row 10, x+1

zx nx zy ny f no out
0 1 1 1 1 1 x+1
  • zx=0, nx=1: Negate x, !x
  • zy=1, ny=1: Zero, then negate y, -1
  • f=1: Add
    • !x + (-1) = !x - 1
    • Since !x = -x - 1, we have !x - 1 = -x - 1 - 1 = -x - 2
  • no=1: Negate output, !(-x - 2) = -(-x - 2) - 1 = x + 1

2.7.6. Self-Study

zx nx zy ny f no out
0 1 0 1 1 1 ?

What operation is performed by the Hack ALU for the above control bits?

3. Project 2

  • Build
    • Adders, in particular Add16
    • ALU
    • Inc16, an incrementer

3.1. Notes on ALU

  • What parts to use? How?
    • Clearly, use Add16, And16 to implement main functions
    • Process x and y in parallel for zeroing and negation
      • At least 2 chips Not16
    • Use at least one Mux16 for each if statement, e.g.:
      • Initially, use zx: Mux16(a=x, b=false, sel=zx, out=zeroX);
      • Finally, use f: Mux16 (a=xAndY, b=xPlusY, sel=f, out=xOpY);
        • (In between, how would you compute xAndY and xPlusY?)

3.2. HDL Tips

  • If you need constant numbers, use true and false, e.g.:
    • a = false and a[0..15] = false assign 0 to a
    • a[0] = true, a[1..15] = false assigns 1 to a
  • You can give names to parts of a word, e.g.:
    • out[0..7] = outlow
    • Then use outlow elsewhere as input
  • The chip’s output out cannot be used as input in the same chip
    • Assign new names if that should be necessary, e.g.:
      • out = out, out = othername
      • Then use othername elsewhere as input

4. Conclusions

4.1. Summary

  • Binary adders from half and full adders
    • Use 2’s complement for negative numbers and subtraction
    • Ripple-carry adder for any number of bits
  • Hack ALU uses 6 control bits to specify operation
    • Simple operations, e.g., no multiplication
    • Build it as part of Project 2!

4.2. Q&A

  • Please ask questions and provide feedback on a regular basis
    • Something confusing?
      • What did you understand? Where did you get lost?
    • Maybe suggest improvements on GitLab
      • Did you create exercises, experiments, explanations?
    • Use Learnweb: Shared, anonymous pad and MoodleOverflow


Nisan, Noam, and Shimon Schocken. 2005. The Elements of Computing Systems: Building a Modern Computer from First Principles. The MIT Press.

License Information

Source files are available on GitLab (check out embedded submodules) under free licenses. Icons of custom controls are by @fontawesome, released under CC BY 4.0.

Except where otherwise noted, the work “Combinational Circuits II”, © 2024 Jens Lechtenbörger, is published under the Creative Commons license CC BY-SA 4.0.