Reservation of rights relative to text and data mining (TDM)

According to European law (European Directive on copyright and related rights in the Digital Single Market), rightsholders need to opt-out in a machine-readable manner if they do not want their content to be used for purposes of text and data mining (TDM). Resources served on this site are released under different licenses, which may (e.g., CC BY-SA) or may not (e.g., CC0) impose restrictions on their (re-) use.

Clearly, everyone is permitted to use any CC0-licensed contents for any purposes, including TDM. If you want to use contents that come with more restrictive licenses, I only allow TDM if you adhere to the license terms (which may require attribution and publication of derived resources under a similar license). In that case, you do not need to ask for my permission (as that is granted by the license). If you believe that you should be permitted to ignore those license terms for purposes of text or data mining, then please contact me.

This site makes use of the W3C TDM Reservation Protocol (TDMRep) to reserve rights related to TDM as outlined above in a machine-readable manner, see /.well-known/tdmrep.json and /tdm/policy.json.