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Splitting with attributes

Jens Lechtenbörger

Created: 2025-02-20 Thu 12:37

1. Slide with normal split

  • The start of some
  • list
  • to be continued after split
  • Continued list
  • with more items

2. Slide with split with background attribute

  • The start of some
  • list
  • to be continued after split
  • with sliding background image
  • Continued list
  • with more items

3. Slide with background properties

Note that the background color of this slide does not change after the split.

Same background as previous slide.

4. Nothing special

Default background again.

5. A heading

Text before split

5. A heading

Here, the previous heading “A heading” appears.

See issue #105.

5.1. A subheading

Some text before split

5.1. A subheading

The previous heading “A subheading” appears here as well.