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Complexity Example

(Usage hints for this presentation)

Winter Term 2023/2024
Dr. Jens Lechtenbörger (License Information)

Sample Algorithms

  • Determine Big O complexity for following algorithms in Python!
  • Background
    • This presentation embeds klipse, to enable live code execution.
      • Thus, click into code on next slides, edit it, and have results immediately displayed.
        • If code does not execute, maybe reload without cache (Ctrl+F5 in Firefox)
        • Based on in-browser implementation of Python (skulpt), not complete.


  1. Figure out what the algorithms on the next slides do.
    • If you are not sure, maybe copy&paste into Python Tutor, which enables step-by-step execution with visualizations of values.
  2. Determine the algorithms’ complexities in terms of numbers of necessary plus operations.
    • If you are puzzled about the focus on plus operations, note that they occur at the inner-most level of nesting in while loops. For each iteration of a loop, a fixed number of other operations is executed, and those are covered by a constant factor in the definition of Big O complexity (\(M\) at Wikipedia.)

Subsequent quizzes lead to solutions. Please try yourself first.

Naive Multiplication

def naive_mult(op1, op2):
    if op2 == 0: return 0
    result = op1
    while op2 > 1:
           result += op1
           op2 -= 1
    return result

print(naive_mult(2, 3))
  • Some notes
    • Code on left is meant for non-negative integers
      • Better code would test this
    • Python basics
      • def naive_mult(op1, op2) declares function naive_mult with two operands
      • == tests for equality, = is assignment to variable on left
      • result += op1 is short for result = result + op1
        • thus, op1 is added to result
        • -= similarly
      • return exits the function, delivers result

A solution

Naive Exponentiation

def naive_mult(op1, op2):
    if op2 == 0: return 0
    result = op1
    while op2 > 1:
           result += op1
           op2 -= 1
    return result

def naive_exp(op1, op2):
    if op2 == 0: return 1
    result = op1
    while op2 > 1:
           result = naive_mult(result, op1)
           op2 -= 1
    return result

print(naive_exp(2, 3))
  • Some notes
    • naive_mult is copied from previous slide
    • naive_exp shares same basic structure
      • But with invocation of naive_mult instead of plus operation

A solution

A “Small” Change

  • What happens if the order of arguments to naive_mult on the previous slide was reversed, i.e., if naive_mult(op1, result) instead of naive_mult(result, op1) was executed?
    • Clearly, as multiplication is commutative, the result does not change.
    • What about the resulting complexity?

A surprise?

License Information

Source files are available on GitLab (check out embedded submodules) under free licenses. Icons of custom controls are by @fontawesome, released under CC BY 4.0.

Except where otherwise noted, the work “Complexity Example”, © 2019-2022 Jens Lechtenbörger, is published under the Creative Commons license CC BY-SA 4.0.

No warranties are given. The license may not give you all of the permissions necessary for your intended use.

In particular, trademark rights are not licensed under this license. Thus, rights concerning third party logos (e.g., on the title slide) and other (trade-) marks (e.g., “Creative Commons” itself) remain with their respective holders.